Friday, January 25, 2013

Embracing Our Struggle

For many of us we have recently begun or will soon begin the second half of our school year. As the saying of our Sages goes, 'All beginnings are difficult' (Mechilta, Rashi on next week's Parsha, 19:5). The same is true in our spiritual growth. This week's parsha teaches us exactly that message, but with an added benefit. 

In what seems to be a peculiar event, Bnei Yisrael, after traveling away from the Red Sea, find themselves without water for three days. Finally, they find water in the city of Mara but it is too bitter to drink. After Moshe Rabbeinu davens to Hashem, Hashem throws a tree into the water and the water suddenly becomes sweet. What????

The Gemara in Bava Kama (84a) tells us that this "water" represents Torah. The Kli Yakar, developing this point, explains the analogy that the Torah is sometimes bitter, but we must know that it becomes sweet. 

In the beginning our spiritual growth, the task of Judaism seems awfully difficult, a bitter start. The more we do, however, the easier it becomes. Unlike, perhaps, other disciplines, the Torah path will lead us to fulfillment and purpose in our lives, a sweet ending. Let us not be discouraged by the struggle to attain our growth in Judaism, for that very bitterness is what leads to its sweetness. Have a great Shabbos.

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