Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Down at Half Time

"'I am a rabid football fan, and my team is the New York Jets. I will never skip watching a game. One time I had to leave town for the weekend, and I asked a friend of mine to record the football game on her video.
'When I returned, my friend gave me the video cassette, and said, 'Oh, by the way, the Jets won.'
'I began watching the game, and the Jets were falling far behind. By half time, they were trailing by 20 points. At other times, I would have been pacing the floor, wringing my hands, and possibly raiding the refrigerator. However, I was perfectly calm, because I knew that my team was going to win, hence there was no need for me to worry.
'Ever since I turned my life over to Gd, I know that it is going to turn out good. There may be some hitches on the way, but I know that Gd will not fail me.
'Sometimes I feel like I am trailing by 20 points at half time, but since I know that the end will be good and that I will overcome and succeed, nothing ever upsets me as it did before.'
If our faith is strong enough, we can be winners, and even if we might be trailing at some point, we should approach the future with confidence."
-It's Not As Tough As You Think: How to Smooth Out Life's Bumps, by Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, MD

Each and every one of us has Gd on our personal (or communal, depending on how you want to look at it) team. Regardless of how hard our situation is, how much sweat is rolling down our faces, or how much we may want to call it quits on whatever the task may be, we can be sure of one thing: at the end of the day, we will win the game. Gd will always be on our team.

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