Sunday, January 6, 2013

An Eye-Opening Experience

During the past NCSY Shabbaton I really got a first-hand opportunity to ingest all that NCSY has to offer. I usually had gone to multiple conventions in the past with many of my friends. This time I had the opportunity to experience something through my own eyes. I had time to contemplate many things. When I first arrived I was nervous, scared in a sense, for I did not really know many people. As Shabbat was coming up I felt the vibe, I truly felt that G-d was there watching and trying to comfort me. During the first session on Friday night we discussed happiness and the true meaning of happiness. One can find happiness within. Many people think happiness is having the latest gadgets, it really isn't. Some may even say that your family and friends are what make you happy; I can tell you that I was completely alone without my friends or family during the Shabbaton, I still was able to find happiness. 

I now have a completely different point of view towards life and Judaism. As I was talking to someone over Shabbat dinner I heard his story about how he is Jewish but never really follows up on all of the customs. I feel the same way. When I met all the happy, loving, caring Jewish teens all around me, I saw that you can be happy and joyful no matter what circumstances you are in. Before this weekend I could’ve cared less for all the 613 laws and all the other codes and laws, it was simply too much work. I can proudly say now that I really do. Starting the school year I had went to a modern orthodox school in Dallas; I could feel that they were trying to encourage Judaism but they do not succeed as much as NCSY. At Conclave I felt uplifted and inspired, I care more about others around me. 

I know that for once I will be able to completely change my views in life. I had tried numerous times to do find this inspiration before, I had no luck. At first I was very ambivalent about going to Conclave, but the night before I gave in and registered. In no way do I regret going. I felt something that I was always searching for.
The “inspired” sweatshirts really do reflect how I feel. I am now on the quest on finding my true self and abiding by the Jewish codes and moral laws. I feel in my neshama that this is the correct path for me. I couldn’t think of any other way to thank NCSY for all they have done for me. 

-Benji Snow

Contest Submission #12

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