Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Beshalach: Bitachon

By Devorah Goldson       

        In this week’s parsha, Beshalach, we read about how the
Jews left Egypt, crossed the Yam Suf, sang Az Yashir, and everything
that happened. The very first pasuk of the Parsha, tells us: “Now when
Paraoh had let the people go, G-d did not lead them by way of the land
of the Plishtim, because it was near- and G-d said: The people might
reconsider when they see war before them, and turn back to Mitzrayim.”
Hashem was so scared that the Jews would turn back; He took them on
the route which led them through the Yam Suf, a route that was much
longer than the normal way. The Torah also tells us that Bnei Yisroel
was fully armed when they left Egypt, yet they were still afraid. Both
of these psukim cause many commentators to question the phrases.

            Rashi gives an explanation, for why Hashem took them on
the longer way. He says that the Jews would leave Egypt, and become
afraid in the desert. They would want to turn back to Egypt, and if
Hashem had taken them on the straight path, it would’ve allowed for a
much easier return to Mitzrayim. That is one reason why Hashem took
them out on a longer path. By taking us out on the longer path, Hashem
made sure that the Jews wouldn’t turn around and go backwards, and
that way they would be able to get the Torah at Har Sinai, and then
enter the land of Israel.

            But there is still the question, of why would they be
afraid of war? If they had trust in G-d, who had literally just taken
them out of Egypt, and more importantly, if they were armed with
weapons- than what reason did they have for being afraid? Rav Hirsch
says that Bnei Yisroel weren’t lacking in courage physically, but they
were lacking in courage in their hearts. Most importantly, they lacked
trust in Hashem. The quality which gives a person the ability and
courage, no matter what task he is faced with, comes from having
bitachon in Hashem. That is what the Jews lacked when they left Egypt,
and that is why they were afraid. If they had had Bitachon, they
would’ve seen that Hashem was really taking care of them, and they had
no real need to be scared.

            Sometimes we don’t see what Hashem is doing, or why He
might be doing something. We might think that we know better than Him,
but really we don’t. Hashem takes us through life, sometimes in ways
that may seem unnecessary. We might not see the reason we have to go
through something, but in the end we realize that it was all for the
best. We have to have trust in Hashem, have bitachon, that Hashem will
take care of us, and faith that he will help us through the rough
times. When Hashem took the Jews out of Egypt, He took them on a path
that would make it harder for them to go back to a horrible place.
When we are faced with a challenge, and might want to turn back- we
should try and remember that really, there ultimately is a plan for
us. We might not see it at the time, but that’s the whole point of
life! G-d gives us people to help us through those challenges, and to
prevent us from going backwards, but we must do our part as well, and
have bitachon, and have the strength to keep moving on, to a place
that ultimately will be the best for us.

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