Friday, April 19, 2013


What does it mean to be a truly holy person? One would think that this week's Parsha, "Kedoshim"(Holy), might lend insight into what it means.

If, however, we examine what topics are dealt with in Kedoshim, it would seem strikingly peculiar if these issues were deemed "holy". The Parsha tells us about assorted interpersonal dealings and relationships with goyim. One would assume "holiness"implies cleaving to Hashem, or learning Torah. Why is there no mention of such things?

The truth is, if we rethink our perspective, it is no big deal to be holy while Davening or Learning. The holiness is naturally intrinsic to those acts. The Torah is telling us that the bigger holiness occurs when you can infuse your everyday actions with holiness. 

The Rambam, in his Mishneh Torah, has one whole volume titled "Kedusha". He does not list Learning or Davening. Instead he describes forbidden foods, illicit relationships, and food preparations. Specifically by everyday actions is where we can most express how holy we truly are. 

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